Wardwell Kidney Wax
'Wardwell Kidney wax' werd door ‘beangrower’ Charles Wardwell (****-****) ontwikkeld tussen 1880 en 1885 en vanaf dan is hij enorm populair in de States.
Deze vroegrijpende struikboterboon is tussen 1890 en 1930 in talrijke zadencatalogi present : ‘J.M.Philips’ sons’uit Pittsburg-1910-‘S.F.Leonard seedsman’ uit Chicago-1899-‘D.M. Ferry & co’ uit Detroit-1897-‘H.M. Brunjes & sons’ uit Brooklyn NY-1920-‘St-Louis seed co’ uit St-Louis (MO)-‘Sonderegger nurseries and seed house’ uit Nebraska-1930-…

“This variety both pod and plant are more robust than the usual wax beans. Stalks erect, hardy and productieve.The shape of the bean is distinct from all other wax beans, being a perfect kidney shaped white with dark marking at the eye. It produces a heavy crop of purly wax pods, which are very long, flat and not liable to rust or blister. For a snap bean it is unexcelled, and a good winter shelled bean; as early as any of the wax varieties”
Ref. “J.M. Philip and sons” uit Pittsburg-1910-
Collectie "Ventmarin"

Uit seed catalogue 'Henry A. Dreer'-Philadelphia-USA-1912-