Chickasaw (579)

Chickasaw (579)

Halve klimmer met witte bloemen en groene peulen. Aparte gele zaden met felrode vlek aan de navel.

 "Semi-Runner/Dry. Pods up to 4.75 inches, and dry seqentially starting in 90 days. A stable outcross discovered and named by me in 1979. The original named bean I found among a grow out of the round, yellow seeded bush bean "Sulphur" obtained from John Withee's Wanigan Associates in 1978. After a second grow out the bean also segregated into another original bean I named Choctaw. " Ref.

Donor : Russell Crow uit Woodstock (USA)

chicasaw-champagne top 10-2016-Part 6


Oogst Meise-2012--op de glazen plaat staat 'Chickasaw' op N° 9 of onderste rij, 1ste van links.

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