Good Mother Stallard, Black

Good Mother Stallard, Black (1224)

Een variante van de bekende ‘Good Mother Stallard’

De bloemen zijn tweekleurig. Korte kromme lichtgroene peulen met paarse strepen.

Korte Rijsboon. Vroegrijpend en niet zo productief in 2022.

Donor is Artur Kobylecki uit Kielze-Poland-

"Pole/Dry. Maybe more of a semi or half runner. Found growing among Good Mother Stallard over a decade ago by Debbie Groat of Rhodes, Michigan. She believes this bean is a mutation as the bean has never segregated, but always has grown true to type. Beans are about half the size of Good Mother Stallard, but patterned the same way in black and white." see website of Russ Crow

Good Mother Stallard, Black-2022-3
Good mother stallard, Black--2022-2

Tweekleurige bloemen. Oogst Meise-2022-

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